"Use your imagination, emotions, thoughts and actions to create a wonderful life for yourself." Ana Elisa Villalaz S. Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist
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Evaluation types We use the scientific method through standardized tests to know and understand the patient’s situation. Our system has more than 20 different types of evaluations, and the Clinical Psychologist will assign the corresponding one to your case. A report with the results will be delivered to the patient, family, school or workplace including recommendations, the type of therapy and the frequency of recommended appointments.
"Use your imagination, emotions, thoughts and actions to create a wonderful life for yourself." Ana Elisa Villalaz S. Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Evaluation Types We use the scientific method through standardized tests to know and understand the patient’s situation. Our system has more than 20 different types of evaluations, and the Clinical Psychologist will assign the corresponding one to your case. A report with the results will be delivered to the patient, family, school or workplace including ecommendations, the type of therapy and the frequency of recommended appointments.
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